Murray State’s engagement as hemp-growers for the Kentucky
Department of Agriculture is coming to an end following months of
growing the crop and weeks of harvesting it for research purposes.
Wednesday, set to coincide with Murray
State’s National Bioenergy Day presentation, the last of the
University’s approximately one and a half acres of hemp will be
The last of Murray State’s hemp will be
harvested next week with a combination of manufacturing equipment, such
as a special biomass header, but possibly by hand as well.
Jason Robertson, farm director, said the
hemp, which is ground up by the machinery, will be used to demonstrate
and test hemp’s use as a biomass during National Bioenergy Day and some
will be used experimentally as equine bedding.
the school decides to harvest any of the crops by hand they will be
used in conjunction with the CannaVest Corporation for specialized
purposes such as for oils, seeds and for use in certain products.

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